Sunday, October 11, 2009


A rainy, cool Sunday is drawing to a close. My elder son just woke up from a nap, sweetly asked for cookies and milk, and drowsily told me about some new videos I might like on YouTube. A week ago we were barely on speaking terms. Today, spontaneously, he hugged me and told me he loves me. No, he won't go to church, but he is willing to be a part of the family and try to make a contribution.

I don't understand all the workings of the human mind, but I'm beginning to see a few things more clearly. First, Rainer Maria Rilke was right when he said, "Be kind to all you meet, for we are all fighting a hard battle." We are, each one of us, and defending our ignorance keeps us from the vulnerability of learning a new way of thinking and behaving. Second, all the love we need is constantly surrounding us. We are taught, however, at some point in life that it isn't real by defective humans who themselves don't believe in it. We then shut ourselves off from that love and walk around with darkness clouding the lenses through which we look at the world. The fear caused by that cloudy vision makes us attack each other as a scared animal bites when frightened. We listen to others who are also afraid, who have agendas based on fear, and the situation grows to global proportions. But all that is needed is openness to the love that already exists. When we meet someone who has opened themselves to love, we sometimes allow them to dispel the darkness within us, too, until we become afraid again and close down. This openness transcends belief system and ethnicity and location and political affiliation and economic power.

I want to be open, and if I have to pry myself apart each day to do so, perhaps that is a good thing. I am grateful for this insight.
